Social CRM Will Become The Norm in 2013
Herbert Wagger 24 December 2012 09:46:30
Many of us are already using products that provide us with a single platform from which we access our email, contacts, calendar and social media listening and conversations. Having a social relationship management solution in place will become increasingly important in 2013. Sales and marketing teams are constantly looking for ways to listen in on social networks and respond quickly. If businesses can have a CRM in place that automatically associates Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter profiles to a contact record, they are going to be more productive. In 2013 we’ll see an integrated message history with a contact – whether the exchange happened in email, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. No more context switching between those applications to track down what a prospect is doing. All this information will all be stored in one place easily accessible by the user.Example of a contact entry within safebook.
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